08.30-11.30 |
Heritage of conflict
08.30-09.00 |
Welcome speech |
Suay Aksoy, President of ICOM International |
09.00–12.15 |
Moderator: Felicia Sternfeld, Chair ICOM Germany |
09.00–9.45 |
Keynote speaker: |
From the Berlin Wall to Abbey Road: Changing Interpretations and Understandings of Cultural Heritage Prof. Dr. Axel Klausmeier, Director Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer, Germany |
09.45-10.15 |
Dybbøl 2014 and Schleswig 2020 – Constructing Familiarity by remembrance? Martin Klatt, assoc. prof. PhD, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
10.15–10.30 |
Coffee break |
10.30–11.00 |
Heritage Network of World War II Mermorials: Soviet Heritage across European States Angeline Basuki & Polihron Karapachov, M. A.s in Heritage Management, University of Kent, United Kingdom |
11.00–11.30 |
Documenta and Denmark: Inspirations and repercussions between museums, artists and audiences Kristian Handberg, Postdoc, Ph.D. University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
11.30-15.30 |
Rewriting History
11.30–12.15 |
Keynote speaker: |
Co-creating Danish welfare history with alternative experts with powerful personal experiences from institutionalized care, homelessness, mental illness or poverty Sarah Smed, Head of Danish Welfare Museum, Denmark |
12.15–13.15 |
Lunch |
13.15–15.15 |
Moderator: Alina Gromova, Chair, ICOM Germany |
13.15–13.45 |
Hiding in plain sight. On the willfully forgotten relations between Danish and German art in the 19th century Anna Schram Vejlby, PhD Art History, Ribe Art Museum, Denmark |
13.45–14.15 |
Will gold tarnish? Changing interpretations of the Golden Age of Danish art and their implications Rasmus Kjærboe, PhD, SMK – The National Gallery of Denmark |
14.15–14.45 |
Contesting the Colonial Subject. 19th Century Photography from Howard and Jane Ricketts Collection and Other Images from Colonial India Ida Højgaard Thjørmøe, M. A. Art History, Denmark |
14.45–15.15 |
The South Sea in the North Sea: Decolonising Natural History and an Entangled Northern Europe Martha Fleming, Dr. Senior Research Fellow, University of Hamburg, Germany |
15.15–15.30 |
Coffee break |
15.30-17.00 |
New Interpretations of Heritage |
15.30-17.00 |
Moderator: Johan Møhlenfeldt Jensen, Chair, ICOM Denmark |
15.30–16.00 |
Travelling Natural and Cultural Heritage – Changing Interpretations and Meanings of an Entomological Collection between Copenhagen, Kiel and beyond, 1775-2018 Dominik Hünniger, Dr., University of Hamburg, Germany |
16.00–16.30 |
The refugee camp in Oksbøl: From Place of Oblivion to Place of Memory Anne Sofie Vemmelund Christensen, Museumsinspektør/projektleder, Cand.mag. historie og museologi, AU, M.A., Learning and Visitior Studies in Museums and Galleries, University of Leicester |
16.30–17.00 |
Yenikapı Rescue Excavations: Heritage vs. Politics Levent Tökün, MA Candidate in World Heritage Studies & Cultural Heritage, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany |
17.00–18.00 |
Break |
18.00–21.00 |
Reception and guided tours at Altonaer Museum |
Welcome speeches |
Dr. Vanessa Hirsch, Altonaer Museum |
Ole Winther, Museums and Non Formal Education, Agency for Culture and Palaces |
Prof. Dr. Beate Reifenscheid, ICOM Deutschland |
Johan Møhlenfeldt Jensen, ICOM Denmark |